
Omaha Divorce Lawyers

Solutions-Oriented Representation from Burnett Legal Group

When a marriage breaks down, everyone involved must cope with emotional demands and serious practical concerns that can be overwhelming. The law firm you turn to in this pivotal time can make all the difference in your ability to get through your divorce with manageable outcomes and minimal regret.

Experienced Trial Attorneys

At Burnett Legal Group, we offer highly attentive, solution-oriented divorce advocacy aligned with our clients' most important goals. If you and your spouse are able to negotiate productively, an experienced Omaha divorce attorney from our firm can help you complete the necessary steps as efficiently and affordable as possible. If you have intensely contested issues to resolve, you will have a skilled, determined trial lawyer on your side.

Call Burnett Legal Group at (402) 810-8611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation or to learn more about your legal options. Our divorce lawyers in Omaha, NE are standing by to help.

Fighting for Your Best Interests

Led by a highly regarded divorce attorney, Charlie Grimes, we offer legal representation consistent with our overall mission to be friends of the family. Our Omaha divorce lawyers will take the time to fully understand your situation and present all legal options for resolving critical concerns.

We regularly handle concerns such as the following:

  • Arriving at a child custody arrangement that serves children's best interests and protects parents' most important relationships
  • Thoroughly addressing financial issues that can affect both parties' futures profoundly, ranging from child support and spousal support (alimony), if applicable, to equitable division of marital assets, property and debts

Commonly Asked Questions:

Is Nebraska a 50/50 Divorce State?

No. In Nebraska assets will be divided under what is known as the "equitable distribution policy." This means that a judge will divide your marital property based on each spouse's contributions to the marriage, as well as their earning potential after the divorce.

What is the Difference Between Contested & Uncontested Divorce?

A divorce is described as "contested" or "uncontested" based on whether or not both spouses are able to come to an agreement on all major issues prior to going to court.

Some of the primary differences between the two include:

  • An uncontested divorce typically moves through the court system more quickly than a contested divorce will
  • In a contested divorce it is ultimately the judge who makes the final decisions on division of assets, custody, etc.
  • Neither party is able to appeal the outcome of an uncontested divorce because both parties agreed to the terms ahead of time

One way of reaching an agreement on a previously contested divorce is by hiring a divorce lawyer who can help you work through the disagreements and come to a fair resolution.

Choosing the Right Divorce Lawyer in Omaha, NE

We understand that making the decision to divorce is never easy. Having an experienced divorce lawyer on your side can make the process simpler and less stressful. At Burnett Legal Group, our Omaha divorce lawyers can help to negotiate a fair settlement, represent your interests in court, and handle all the paperwork involved in filing for divorce. In addition, you can count on our firm to provide support and advice during what is likely to be a difficult time. Call Burnett Legal Group today!

Let us help you get a fresh start. Call us at (402) 810-8611 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation with a divorce lawyer in Omaha, NE.

Contact Our Omaha Divorce Attorneys for Your Case Evaluation!

Our entire legal team encourage rational discussion and negotiated solutions that minimize the strain on families whenever possible. Our experience spans all workable paths to family law solutions, including mediation and collaborative law. If you are considering filing for divorce or must respond promptly to your spouse's filing against you, please turn to our divorce attorneys in Omaha, NE for the guidance and advocacy you need to protect your rights and your future.

Families We've Helped

"They have a great legal team with the knowledge and experience in many different specialties of law."

- Former Client